The FinProg project was
initiated 1997 and devised by investigators working at
the Department of Oncology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki,
Finland. The Finnish Cancer Registry was contacted to identify breast cancer
patients diagnosed in Finland in 1991 and 1992. Oncologists
working in the five university hospitals of Finland (the Helsinki, Kuopio, Oulu,
Tampere and Turku University Hospitals) were also contacted to obtain individual
hospital case report data from the hospitals.
The hospital case reports
were read by health care professionals and the
resulting hospital case-report data
were matched with the data obtained from the Finnish Cancer Registry, the
Population Register Centre and Statistics Finland before entered into the
FinProg database.
The project was lead and
coordinated by researchers working at the Helsinki University, who assembled the
FinProg database and connected it to the current website. The tumor
tissue arrays were also prepared at the FinProg research laboratory in Helsinki
for further analysis of prognostic parameters.
The FinProg Research
University of Helsinki
Heikki Joensuu
Johan Lundin
Mikael Lundin
Tiina Lehtimäki
Harri Sihto
University of Kuopio
Vesa Kataja
University of Oulu
Taina Turpeenniemi-Hujanen
University of Tampere
Jorma Isola
Kaija Holli
University of Turku
Liisa Elomaa
Liisa Pylkkänen